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CORE-ECI Workgroups

Community Planning Event

Strategic Doing logoOn March 8, 2022, community stakeholders from Blackford and Jay Counties gathered together for a six-hour Community Planning Event in which collaborative work was facilitated by HealthTAP. To accelerate collaboration, they used a Purdue-developed method called Strategic Doing™ that focuses on community strengths rather than weaknesses, and approaches change by imagining the future as you think it should be and then asking what it would take to get there. This is known as appreciative inquiry.

The Workgroup Tables

Balanced to include the different sectors of the community (i.e. schools, business, social services, law enforcement/courts, faith-based organizations, government), each table (shown below) approached the appreciative question (shown right) by collectively engaging with each other on a journey through four steps: 1) What could we do? 2) What should we do? 3) What will we do? and 4) What is our 30/30?

During the event, participants were guided to uncover assets; consider how to link & leverage them; form project ideas and choose the best option for their "Big Easy" or pathfinder project; agree to action items; and schedule out future workgroup meetings.

The Appreciative Question: Imagine breaking the intergenerational cycle of addiction in our communities by creating a safe, stigma-free place for children and families to thrive. How might Blackford and Jay Counties rally together and share resources—starting today—to build a better future for the next generation?
Prevention Table


Blackford County
Tiffany Pauley
Jason Craig
Jessica Kitterman
Mike Weingardner
Cody Crouse
John Barton

Jay County
Annie VanHorn
John McFarland
Michael Brewster
Tony Lennartz
Rusty Inman
PJ Corwin
Laurie Ferguson
Allison Keen

Treatment Table


Blackford County
Jan Blake
Austin May
Tashia Weaver
Ashley Laurence
Tyler Hunt
Brian Blevins
Thom Rittichier
Carrie Secrest
Karen Mealy

Jay County
Jon Vanator
Parker May
Cassie Alexander
Jess Morgan
Denise Brewster
Patrick Wells
Travis Jester
Ryan Brown, MD

Recovery Table


Blackford County
Linda Morgan
Rita Bell
Laura McConnell
Warren Brown
Deb Perry
James Heflin
Larry Musselman
Andrea Wilson

Jay County
James Meyers
Jenni VanSkyock
Monica Grayson
Justin Littman
Mitch Sutton
Dwight Albrecht
Mike Weitzel
Yvette Weiland

Bridge Table


Serves as a bridge between the counties
Kimbra Reynolds
Randy Davis
Josh Stewart
Troy Kauffman
Anne Hazlett
Cheri Brown
Katie Larin
Molly Hunt


CORE-ECI is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling nearly $1M. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit


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