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CORE-ECI Partners

About the Program

The Consortium for Opioids Response and Engagement-East Central Indiana (CORE-ECI) focuses on the two east-central communities of Blackford County and Jay County. Both Indiana counties are medically underserved populations with significant mortality and opioid-use rates. In partnership with Purdue, Indiana University Health serves as clinical lead of CORE-ECI, which consists of seven (7) multi-sectoral partners who have committed to increase access to medication-assisted treatment; provide early intervention for substance use disorder (SUD) with a focus on health disparities, stigma and bias, and cultural insensitivities; and form a seamless system of evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery services.

The initiative runs from September of 2021 to August 2024. Download the summary document.

Learn more about the CORE-ECI Workgroups.


  • Purdue University, specifically HealthTAP. Purdue Extension will be involved in evaluating the impact of social determinants of health on SUD response.
  • IU Health Blackford Hospital is a 15-bed critical access hospital that offers a specialty clinic, outpatient surgical services, a paramedic-level ambulance service and retail pharmacy; provides 24-hour emergency services, laboratory, radiology, outpatient physician practices; and is accredited by the Joint Commission. 
  • IU Health Jay Hospital is a 25-bed critical access hospital that offers inpatient care, outpatient surgical services and several medical specialties; provides 24-hour emergency services, laboratory, radiology, outpatient physician practices; and is accredited by the Joint Commission. 
  • Jay County Drug Prevention Coalition Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides drug prevention education, peer recovery coaching and other services to Jay and surrounding counties.
  • Grant Blackford Mental Health provides behavioral health and SUD services to adults and minors diagnosed as seriously mentally ill and/or emotionally disturbed.
  • Blackford County Community Corrections provides a community-based, alternative to incarceration through intensive supervision, utilizing evidence-based practices while enhancing intrinsic motivation to reduce recidivism.
  • A Better Life-Brianna’s Hope Inc. is a participant-driven support and recovery movement for those battling substance abuse that began following the disappearance and heroin-related death of a Blackford County woman. 

CORE-ECI Workgroup

Cathy Scott, COre-ECI Program Director (academics), Co-PI

Kimbra Reynolds, CORE-ECI Program Director (community), Co-PI 

Jenny VanSkyock, Clinical Lead

Regina Pilotte, Data Coordinator

Anne Hazlett, Public Affairs

Vicki Simpson and Zachary Hass, Evaluation Team


CORE-ECI is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling nearly $1M. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit



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